Leafs Twitter Roundup: Leafs vs Avalanche, Jan 8, 2022

Ben Hodgson
January 8, 2022  (10:47 PM)

Welcome to the Leafs Twitter Roundup! In this feature we find the best of Leafs Twitter as the game goes on. Tonight is a great matchup between the Leafs and Avs. Let's go!

-Big test for the Leafs, who've looked sloppy in their last 2.
-No Marner or Engvall tonight. Thanks a lot Edmonton
- It never gets easier seeing Naz in any colour that isn't blue and white.
- If you aren't willing to kiss your 4th liner for scoring, are you really a fan?
- Jack Campbell just makes me feel warm and safe
- Seriously we do not deserve this man. God I love him.
- Kerfoot heard us complaining about not having Naz
- So this is what it feels like?
- Aww look at Auston trying to make sure Kuemper didn't fall to hard. What a nice guy.
- This take isn't as hot as you'd think. Jack has been THAT good
- Oh, hey, that Matthews guy scored, cool!
- This guy seems good? Is he good? I think he might be good.
- It's not Kuemper's fault. When Auston goes into beast mode, there's no stopping him.
- I feel bad for Mitch, then I remember his contract negotiations and feel less bad.
- Maybe we should cover that MacKinnon guy, he seems good.
- I can pick out 4 different points in this clip where I would have simply fallen on my face.
End of 1: 3-1 Leafs
- Bettman wouldn't let Hockey Diversity Alliance members, Simmer included, wear NHL branded gear for their collab with Budweiser. The Leafs weren't having any of it.
- Love me a good Joe Bowen goal call. LeafsJelly posts most goals with Joe's commentary.. if you're not following yet do it now.
2nd Period
- Who doesn't love a good pun?
- BIG (redacted) NICK!
- Nothing beats Leafs Twitter when Nick Ritchie scores
- Tweet of the night
- Not sure what Auston ate for breakfast this morning, but he is FEELING it tonight
- Matthews woke up this morning and said «I'm the best player in the NHL and the Avs are about to learn that»
- Victoria's right. We got this.
- Since «Little ball of hate» belongs to Marchand, Bunting is the «Little ball of strong dislike»
- He really is so much fun to watch
End of 2: 4-2 Leafs
- Cole Hayes has been let go from LetsGoLeafs.com for suggesting a trade involving Rasmus Sandin
- Leafs need another goal like I need a cold beer. Immediately.
- And not in the good way er
- gAmE mAnAgEmEnT dOeSn'T hApPeN
- Leafs fans are extremely normal, well adjusted people.
- Thats the play that will keep him in the top 4 for the next 17 games
- Not like Matthews just got hauled down twice in 10 seconds or anything
- W H A T ?!
- Well, he's got the long hair and the beard. Someone check if that's still water in his bottle
- Joe Bowen is a national treasure.
- *various obscenities
- I am going to become the Joker
- This is ALL YOUR FAULT, EMMA! (I'm sorry, Emma)
- Honestly Gary stays in such insane shape he could probably do it.
- This is why you were on waivers, NICK..
- Coincidental? I'll give you coincidental..
- Refs manage to take an incredible hockey game and make it all about themselves.
- Breaking news: Leafs fans angry at referees
- I suppose things could be worse
End of 3: 4-4 and about 44 new gray hairs
- Welp.
- Jack Campbell slander will NOT be tolerated!
- *sigh*
- I am, it was absolute garbage. That said, you can't turtle against the Avs for half a game and expect to win.
That's it for me for tonight! Thankfully, Supercross starts tonight, so I won't have to stew over the game all night. Thanks for reading along!