Brad Marchand escapes automatic ejection after shoving an official

Ben Hodgson
May 2, 2024  (9:57 PM)

Brad Marchand gets away with more than any other player in the NHL
Photo credit: Brian Fluharty-USA TODAY Sports

Boston Bruins Captain Brad Marchand is lucky to have remained in Game 6, but could yet be suspended after shoving an official.

When he's not diving, slewfooting, slashing, spearing, elbowing, low-bridging or licking his opponents, Brad Marchand is actually a pretty good hockey player. He seems to have a special talent for getting away with obvious infractions. In fact, through the first 3 games of the Bruins first round series against the Leafs, Marchand hadn't taken so much as a minor penalty, despite hacking, slashing and punching anything in blue and white.
During the first period of Game 6, however, Marchand got away with arguably his worst infraction yet: Shoving an official.
For a guy like Marchand, you'd think this was biting the proverbial hand that feeds you. Then again, perhaps he was out for revenge after being clobbered by a linesman last game. In any case, Marchand should have been ejected from the game the instant he pushed the linesman. If the NHL officials were interested in playing by the rulebook in any way, he would have.
40.1 Game Misconduct – Any player who deliberately applies physical force in any manner against an official, in any manner attempts to injure an official, physically demeans, or deliberately applies physical force to an official solely for the purpose of getting free of such an official during or immediately following an altercation shall receive a game misconduct penalty.<\q>

Oh well. Just more evidence that the entire rulebook gets thrown out the window when the postseason begins.