Keefe reveals what we already knew: Muzzin is hurt and will continue to play hurt

Mike Armenti
April 27, 2022  (4:30 PM)

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Hockey players are the toughest professional athletes in the world. Often times, we don't even know what the extent of a player's injuries are until after the playoffs are over and we hear about what guys have been playing through and what surgeries were required to repair the damage.

Following the Leafs' 3-0 victory over the Detroit Red Wings on Tuesday, Leafs head coach Sheldon Keefe spoke with the media and revealed that Jake Muzzin returned to the lineup at less than 100% - which shouldn't shock anyone, given how uncomfortable he looked at practice recently. He also said that the plan is for Muzzin to continue to battle through his injuries.
"He continues to battle through & he's going to have to continue to do that. He's not going to be playing at 100 per cent. That's the reality. But, he played last night & got through the game & felt good & feels good today"

-Keefe on Muzzin playing hurt

Not only has Muzzin suffered a pair of concussions this season, but there is a lot of speculation flying around right now that Muzzin is suffering from a hip injury that may require surgery. Obviously, at this time of the year, coaches and GM's will not reveal anything relating to player injuries for obvious reasons, so there's no way to confirm what's actually wrong.
Muzzin has been injured in the last two playoff rounds the Leafs played in 2019-20 and 2020-21 as well, which has many wondering how much hockey Muzzin has left at the NHL level.
The Woodstock, ON native has two years remaining after this one on his current deal, which carries a $5.625M cap hit. Could we see a situation where Muzzin winds up on LTIR to finish out his contract, much like what we had seen with Brent Seabrook, Marian Hossa, Marian Gaborik, Joffrey Lupul, Dennis Seidenberg and countless others?
27 AVRIL   |   283 ANSWERS
Keefe reveals what we already knew: Muzzin is hurt and will continue to play hurt

If Muzzin is at less than 100%, how many playoff games should he play for the Leafs?

All of them5218.4 %
None of them7125.1 %
25% of them5419.1 %
50%-75% of them and then rest when needed10637.5 %
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