Jack Campbell on what it would be like to watch Jason Spezza and Mark Giordano hoist the Stanley Cup

Mike Armenti
April 27, 2022  (2:20 PM)

For every young hockey player, the ultimate goal is is to make it to the NHL one day and to compete for a Stanley Cup. The problem is that most young hockey players never end up making it to that level and never get that chance - and the ones who do make it, the Stanley Cup is arguably the hardest trophy to win in professional sports and many play their entire careers without winning one.

Not since 1967 have the Leafs won a Championship, and while they've had some pretty good teams over the years, for a multitude of reasons, they just couldn't seem to get it done.
While the players are playing for themselves and for a chance to live out their wildest dream, they're also playing for each other. The Leafs have a pair of aging veterans who have been elite players in the NHL for a long time, but who have never been able to win a Cup in Jason Spezza and Mark Giordano. This could be one of their very last chances to win a Stanley Cup before riding off into the sunset, as both players will turn 39 before the 2022-23 season begins.
Leafs netminder Jack Campbell acknowledges that there is a certain level of urgency in this team to win this year. They have the talent, they have the grit, they have the special teams, they have the leadership, and, most importantly, they have last year's disappointment fueling them. Now they just have to go out and execute.
Campbell was asked about the thought of winning a Cup for Giordano and Spezza on Wednesday, and in typical Jack Campbell fashion, he gave a really humble and honest answer.
«The best feeling would be seeing them lift a Cup.»

The Leafs will not have an easy path if they are to break the curse this season. Their round one opponent is most likely to be the back-to-back champs, the Tampa Bay Lightning. If they do find a way to break through the glass ceiling of the first round and oust Tampa, they'll have teams like Carolina, New York, Boston, Florida Pittsburgh or Washington to contend with. There are no easy outs in the East this year.
Jason Spezza has played 1247 regular season games and 92 playoff games without every having his name etched on Lord Stanley's Cup. Giordano has played 1023 regular season games, but just 23 playoff games. Their best chance to get it done is this year and it's with the Leafs. The pair of Toronto natives could be immortalized in Toronto if they're a part of the team that ends the curse and brings a Stanley Cup to Toronto.
While Campbell is just being a good teammate and a good human supporting the veterans on the team, you know that he is being genuine. The amount of respect that he has for his teammates is of the highest level. I know that, for me, if it happens, I'm going to get a little teary-eyed if Jason Spezza gets to hoist the Cup over his head. Same goes for Gio.
27 AVRIL   |   463 ANSWERS
Jack Campbell on what it would be like to watch Jason Spezza and Mark Giordano hoist the Stanley Cup

Who should John Tavares pass the Cup to first if the Leafs win?

Auston Matthews15533.5 %
Morgan Rielly357.6 %
Jason Spezza22348.2 %
Mark Giordano5010.8 %
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