This weekend, we saw Kyle Clifford snap on a former teammate. Now we officially know why

Mike Armenti
March 12, 2024  (1:38 PM)

Kyle Clifford
Photo credit: TSN

Over the weekend, we saw Toronto Marlies defenseman Kyle Clifford absolutely snap on a former teammate and current Seattle Thunderbird, Joseph Duszak, who had just scored a goal and dropped a celly right in front of the Marlies' bench.

On the very next shift, shortly after the puck had been dropped, Clifford pursued Duszak to give him a lesson in respect, grabbing ahold of him and taking a few wild swings before Duszak turtled to the ice like a coward. We then saw Clifford push back against the official to grab ahold of Duszak, still turtled, to shout some pleasantries at him before being escorted off.
Obviously, this reaction was about a lot more than just a celly after a goal. As one Twitter user mentioned shortly after the event, the ordeal actually stemmed back a couple of years, back to when Duszak was a member of the Marlies and very publicly quit on his team. He was not a popular guy in the room then and obviously, he's not a popular guy in Toronto now.
"Some back story to this situation:

Two years ago, Duszak refused to dress for the Marlies final game of the season, and they had to play short. He also left the arena before the end of the game and never showed up to another Marlies event, until he was released shortly after.

Then here, after scoring a goal, he goes straight to the Marlies bench and starts taunting them.

To think this response had anything to do with a goal celebration is just lazy and ignorant. Duszak was not very well liked, quit on the team, and then, after his first goal against his old teammates, yells at the bench." - @Leafs_Truth on Twitter (X).

Knowing now what we may not have known this weekend, Clifford's reaction makes a lot more sense. Players deliver passionate celly's every game and we don't see that type of reaction. Now, the picture is a lot more clear and Clifford's actions that much more understandable.
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This weekend, we saw Kyle Clifford snap on a former teammate. Now we officially know why

Do you think Kyle Clifford could still play a role with the Maple Leafs at some point in the future?

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