Leafs reporter raises a concerning question about Auston Matthews

Mike Armenti
May 19, 2024  (12:39)

Auston Matthews
Photo credit: MSN

One Leafs reporter has raised a fair and concerning question regarding the health of Auston Matthews after a head injury took him out of action against the Boston Bruins in Round 1.

Sportsnet's Luke Fox wonders what, if any, ill effects another head injury may have on Matthews after missing a total of 7 periods of action against the Bruins in their first round series, also pointing out that Matthews looked under 100% upon his return.
"How concerning is it that Auston Matthews has now sustained multiple head injuries in his career — one in his sophomore season and another after a 'weird hit' in Game 4 of the Bruins series?

Sidney Crosby is the posterboy for stuffing head injuries in the rearview and going on to thrive for years afterward. We'll take it as a positive that Matthews got cleared to play Game 7 and set up a goal, despite looking something less than 100 per cent."
-Luke Fox on Auston Matthews

Obviously, there's no way to know for sure what the long-term effects of Matthews 2nd concussion will be. The obvious hope is that there's no lingering effects and that with enough rest, Matthews will come back stronger than ever in 2024-25. However, it's also a fair concern because once a player has suffered a concussion, the next one is not only easier to get, but could also see symptoms worsen and persist longer than the last.
Obviously, the Leafs took no chances with Matthews. Once the medical staff discovered that something wasn't quite right after the 2nd period in Game 4, they removed him from the game for the entire 3rd period and all of Games 5 and 6. The fact that he was cleared for Game 7, as Fox mentioned, was a very good sign that this issue is behind him. Still, the concern is there.
19 MAI   |   405 ANSWERS
Leafs reporter raises a concerning question about Auston Matthews

On a scale of 1-10, how concerned are you about Auston Matthews having suffered a second concussion?

1-3, not overly concerned16741.2 %
4-6, moderately concerned15939.3 %
7-9, very concerned5814.3 %
10, extremely concerned215.2 %
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