Kerfoot Dissapointed With First Season In Toronto.


May 11, 2020  (4:29 PM)

It was a rough season for one of the newest Toronto Maple Leafs and he isn't happy about it. Alexander Kerfoot came over with Tyson Barrie when the Leafs shipped Nazem Kadri out of town. For a first season in Toronto, it was pretty crazy and disappointing for the forward. "I am not overly thrilled with how things went from a personal standpoint," Kerfoot told reporters. "Everything was a little bit inconsistent. I think there were times when I was happy with my game,?[but] overall it was a little bit more inconsistent than I would like. Maybe I didn't contribute/produce as much as I would have liked to. I'm still confident in myself, I think I can still be a big part of the team and I'm excited to get back and keep improving and get better and help out."
Broken jaw, suspension and coaching change, so much happened during his first season. "I think that there was just a lot that happened this year," Kerfoot said. "You come in from one organization to another organization. You meet a new coach, get comfortable with the new coach, and then the coach gets fired and then there's a whole new coach coming in, running a whole new system, and you have to get used to that. And I get suspended for a couple games, I break my jaw. I don't mean to make excuses;?I just think there was a lot of things thrown at you. But I don't know if that necessarily was the reason why I didn't play up to my personal expectations."
Kerfoot also needed to adjust from playing in Colorado to the spotlight of Toronto. "Everything is amplified for sure," he said. "There are things that are more difficult. The highs are probably a lot higher than they are in other markets and the lows are a lot lower. You kind of have to ride the wave. When you're winning a few games, it feels like you're the best team in the league and then you lose one, and everyone wants to trade everyone, fire everyone."

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