An eye witness reveals what happened to cause violent altercation in crowd at Leafs game on Thursday

Mike Armenti
April 16, 2022  (6:45 PM)

During Thursday evening's meeting between the Washington Capitals and Toronto Maple Leafs at Scotiabank Arena there was a heated physical altercation between a young man and his female companion and another older man that resulted in the young man tackling the older man over a row of seats and into the aisle where he began throwing punches and yelling about the older man putting his hands on a woman.

The video doesn't provide any real additional context as to what happened, but thankfully another patron in attendance recounted the events leading up to the scuffle.
According to the eye witness, who was seated just a couple of rows away, the couple had been attempting to leave their seats while the older man refused to let them pass. After a few minutes, the man finally allowed the couple to pass, but the female had given the older man the middle finger and slapped him for behaving the way he did.
The eye witness then revealed that the much larger older man had struck the female in the face with his arm and then tackled the couple. Some bystanders stepped in to pull the man off of the couple, and that's when the younger man flew on top of the older man and begin to swing on him. After delivering a few stiff shots, the young man let up and was pulled off and the older man was helped up.
An absolutely wild story. Now, I don't know what sort of words were exchanged between the couple and the older man that led to the man blocking them from leaving, and I know that some may say that the girl put her hands on the man first. Honestly, regardless of the situation, a man should not hit a woman, period. It's wrong. That's something you learn very early as a young male. I can't imagine that we've heard the last of this one.
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An eye witness reveals what happened to cause violent altercation in crowd at Leafs game on Thursday

Who was in the wrong for Thursday's violent altercation?

The older man30431.3 %
The young couple949.7 %
All of them43544.8 %
Don't care13914.3 %
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